Services: Generation, Characterization and Line Providement


The B-SCB offers services of generation and characterization of iPSC lines, including administrative support for the authorisation of projects involving the use and /or the generation of iPSC. iPSC can be generated from different cell types such as fibroblasts, keratinocytes, peripheral blood cells, umbilical cord blood, some tumors and urine cells among others. We offer integrative and non- integrative reprogramming methodologies including retrovirus, lentivirus, Sendai virus, episomal factors and mRNA techniques.
Characterization tests:
  • Alkaline phosphatase
  • Mycoplasma analysis.
  • Integration and silencing test
  • Karyotype
  • Fingerprinting
  • Pluripotency marker expression (OCT2, SOX2, NANOG, SEA3, SSEA4, TRA1-60 y TRA1-81)
  • In vitro differentiation (two markers for germ layer)
  • In vivo differentiation (two markers for germ layer)

How to request iPSC generation services

Projects involving iPSC generation have to be approved by an Ethics Committee. *
To request information about the iPSC generation service, you can contact: .
Information to be provided:
*Projects involving the generation and use of hiPS for reproductive purposes, gamete production and interspecies primary chimera formation must be authorized by the Comision de Garantías para la Donación y Utilización de Células y Tejidos Humanos”

How to request iPSC characterization services

To request iPSC characterization services contact: .

How to request iPSC lines

Projects involving iPSC use have to be approved by an Ethics Committee. *
Lines must be requested to BNLC:
Available iPSC lines
*Projects involving generation and use of iPS for reproductive purposes, gamete production and interspecies primary chimera formation must be authorized by the Comision de Garantías para la Donación y Utilización de Células y Tejidos Humanos”

How to request hESC lines

Projects involving iPSC use have to be approved by an Ethics Committee. *
Projects involving derivation and use of hESC must be previously authorized by an Ethics Committee and the Comisión de Garantías para la Donación y Utilización de Células y Tejidos Humanos
Available hESC lines

List of services and fees

wdt_ID Generation of iPSC lines fees (€) Internal Public External Public Private External spin-off
1 Original Cells
2 Derivation of primary culture (skin biopsy) 401 491 736 589
4 Expansion of frozen fibroblasts or keratinocytes 243 298 446 357
5 Cell isolation from blood sample 230 282 423 338
6 Cell isolation from cord blood cells 370 453 680 544
7 Cell isolation from urine sample (epithelial cells) 361 443 664 531
8 iPSC generation
9 iPSC generation/retrovirus/fibroblasts 3517 4309 6463 5171
10 iPSC generation/Sendai virus/fibroblasts 3896 4772 7158 5727
11 iPSC generation/episomal plasmids/fibroblats 3329 4078 6118 4894
12 iPSC generation/Sendai virus/peripheral bood 3907 4786 7179 5743
13 iPSC generation/Sendai virus/cord blood 3860 4729 7093 5674
14 iPSC generation/mRNA/fibroblasts 3103 3801 5702 4562
15 Characterization
16 Full characterization (without teratomas) 1086 1331 1996 1597
17 Mycoplasma 16 20 29 24
18 Karyotype (x 2 clones) 362 443 665 532
19 Fingerprinting (original cells and iPSC) 120 147 220 176
20 Pluripotency 225 276 406 331
21 In vitro differentiation (Embryoid bodies) 364 446 668 535
23 In vivo differentiation (Teratomas) 1268 1035 1965 1521
25 Banking 371 454 681 545
26 Registration at Banco Nacional de Líneas Celulares 300 300 300 300
27 Registered iPSC lines providement 500 500 500 500
(21% IVA not included)
Approval pending of the Board of Trustees
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