Fluorescent microscopic animated image of a cell with red chromatin clusters on a blue nucleus, set against a black background, highlighting genetic material distribution.

About P-CMRC

The Program for advancing the Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine of Catalonia, P-CMR[C], has been launched by the Center for Regenerative Medicine (CMR[B]) and the Biomedical Research Institute of Bellvitge (IDIBELL), at the behest of the Catalan Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalonia.
P-CMR[C] was born with the aim to have a transformative impact on the way that basic, pre-clinical and clinical research in regenerative medicine are currently coordinated and eventually transferred to clinical practice in Catalonia.
We are a comprehensive program where basic research, pre-clinical studies with new therapies and clinical trials with already existing therapies, coexist.


Our mission is to accelerate the implementation of strategies in Regenerative Medicine through the development of outstanding research projects addressed to solving medical needs that can be transferred to the clinical practice.


Prof. Ángel Raya, Director of the P-CMR[C], is responsible for the overall scientific strategy and follow-up of the research activities of the P-CMR [C], as well as for the incorporation of new research groups.
Dr. Antoni Bayés-Genís, Clinical Co-Director of the P-CMR[C], reinforces the transversal orientation of the program and the clear approach towards the translation of research into clinical practice.
An Advisory Board, made up of a representative of each of the Health Research Institutes in Catalonia and a representative of the General Direction of Research and Innovation in Health in the Health Ministry of the Generalitat de Catalunya, provides advice to the P-CMR[C] direction in the development of its functions.
An Internal Scientific Committee, comprising the P-CMR[C] Group Leaders, provides advice to the P-CMR[C] direction for the program management.
The P-CMR [C] is made up of research groups located in Catalonia with a clear leadership in the field of Regenerative Medicine and a strong motivation toward clinical translation. The intramural part of the P-CMR[C] is formed by groups belonging to IDIBELL Regenerative Medicine Program (Regenbell). Groups belonging to other institutions and interested in becoming part or P-CMR[C] are encouraged to initiate an adscription process using this link.