Veiga Group

Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapy

The optimization of generation and differentiation methodologies in clinical grade conditions is essential to move forward to clinical application of pluripotent stem cell therapies

Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) derivatives provide a unique source of differentiated cells that can potentially repair lost cell function produced by degenerative diseases or by injury. We aim to optimize generation and differentiation protocols that will allow pluripotent stem cells to be used clinically.
Group Leader, Regenerative Medicine Program of IDIBELL
Group Leader of P-CMRC
Director of the Stem Cell Bank

Lab focus – Research projects

Clinical translation with hiPSC

Allogeneic hiPSC from homozygous UCB units for high prevalence haplotypes (IPS-PANIA)

In collaboration with Banc de Sang i Teixits. Dr. Sergi Querol (Retos-Colaboración) This project aims to optimise hiPSC generation towards clinical application, beyond autologous treatments by generating hiPSC from cord blood samples with frequent homozygous HLA haplotypes compatible with a significant percentage of the population. hiPSC generation is adapted to clinically safe conditions and this project allows the creation of an hiPSC collection for basic research and clinical trials for cell therapy.

Plataforma de Biobanco de Muestras Biológicas y Líneas Celulares(IDIBELL BIOCellBank).

The BLC-B's main goal is to  provide basic and clinical researchers updated and optimised  methodologies for the generation, characterisation and banking of  human pluripotent stem cell lines (hPSC), both embryonic stem cells (hESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), as well as to advise and  give support to researchers in the management of projects in which hPSC are used or derived. Funded by ISCIII.

Germline genome editing for the study of human embryo development

Genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 in human embryos for the study of early embryonic development

In collaboration with Dexeus Mujer. Dra. Montse Boada The project involves the adaptation and improvement of CRISPR/Cas9 technology as a genome editing tool in human zygotes donated for research and the use of such technique for the study of genes essential for human embryo development. Embryo morphology and development are analysed by time-lapse methodology to assess the specific role of certain genes in early human embryo development.

Why it matters

The potential of pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine is unique and promising. Stem cell research has opened up powerful opportunities for research and drug discovery but clinical application through pluripotent stem cell therapy requires homogenization and safety assessment. Standardisation of generation and differentiation protocols in clinical grade conditions as well as the use of highly compatible hiPSC is needed to envisage human clinical application.


Embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, reprogramming, pluripotency, regenerative medicine, cell therapy, stem cell banking, GMP conditions, cord blood HLA homozygous haplotypes, age-related macular degeneration, retinal pigmented epithelium, photoreceptors progenitors, germline genome editing


Martínez-Moreno R, Perez-Serra A, Carreras D, Aran B, Kuebler B, Brugada R,  Scornik F,  Perez GJ,  Selga E.  Generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a healthy Caucasianmale. Stem Cell Research 60 (2022) 102717.
Martínez-Moreno R, Carreras D, Aran B, Kuebler B, Sarquella-Brugada G, Brugada R,  Perez  GJ, Scornik F, Selga E.  Generation of four induced pluripotent stem cell lines from a familyharboring a single nucleotide variant in SCN5A. Stem Cell Research 63 (2022) 102847.
Isla Magrané H, Veiga A, García Arumí J, Duarri A. Multi-ocular Organoids from Human iPS CellsDisplayed Retina, Cornea, and RPE Lineages. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021. 22;12(1):581.
Duarri A, Rodriguez-Bocanegra E, Martínez-Navarrete G, Biarnés M, García M, Lee Ferrano L, Kuebler B, Aran B, Izquierdo E, Aguilera-Xiol E, Casaroli-Merano RP, Trias E, Fernandez E, Ray A, Veiga A, Mones J. Transplantation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived RetinalPigment Epithelium in a Swine Model of Geographic Atrophy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(19), 10497.
Álvarez-Palomo B, García-Martinez I, Gayoso J, Raya A, Veiga A, Abad ML, Eiras A, Guzmán-Fulgencio M, Luis-Hidalgo M, Eguizabal C, Santos S, Balas A, Alenda R, Sanchez-Gordo F, Verdugo LP, Villa J, Carreras E, Vidal F, Madrigal A, Herrero MJ, Rudilla F, Querol S. Evaluation of the Spanish population coverage of a prospective HLA hapoblank of induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. 202112, 233.
Álvarez-Palomo B, García-Martinez I, Gayoso J, Raya A, Veiga A, Abad ML, Eiras A, Guzmán-Fulgencio M, Luis-Hidalgo M, Eguizabal C, Santos S, Balas A, Alenda R, Sanchez-Gordo F, Verdugo LP, Villa J, Carreras E, Vidal F, Madrigal A, Herrero MJ, Rudilla F, Querol S. Evaluation of the Spanish population coverage of a prospective HLA hapoblank of induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. 202112, 233.
Ojosnegros S, Seriola A,  Godeau AL, Veiga A Embryo implantation in the laboratory an update on current techniques Human Reprod Update. 2021; 27 (3), pp 501–530.
Salas A, Duarri A, Fontrodona L, Ramirez DM, Badia A, Isla-Magrane H, Ferreira-de-Souza B, Zapata MA, Raya A, Veiga A, Garcia-Arumi J,  Cell therapy with human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelium and retinal precursor cells prevents visual function loss in a rat model of retinal degeneration. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2021; 20: 688-702.
Mah N, Seltmann S, Aran B, Steeg R, Dewender J, Bultjer N, Veiga A, Stacey GN, Kurtz A. Access to stem cell data and registration of pluripotent cell lines: The Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry (hPSCreg). Stem Cell Res. 2020. 27; 47:101887.
Veiga A, Aran B, Raya A, Messinis I, Mahmood T.  EBCOG position statement: ethics of stem cell research  earch, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2020; 247:244-245.
Aran B, Lukovic D, Aguilar-Quesada R, Veiga A.  Pluripotent stem cell regulation in Spain and the Spanish National Stem Cell Bank. Stem Cell Res. 2020; 48:101956.
Kuebler B, Aran B, Flores R, Pérez-Jurado L A, Veiga A, Corominas R, Cuscó I.  Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by retroviral transduction of skin fibroblasts from four patients suffering Williams-Beuren syndrome (7q11.23 deletion)  Stem Cell Research. 2020; 49:102087.
Kuebler B; Aran B; Flores R; Pérez-Jurado, L A; Veiga A; Cuscó  I ;Corominas R. Derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by retroviral transduction of skin fibroblasts from four patients suffering 7q11.23 microduplication syndrome. Stem Cell Research. 2020; 49:102092.
Eguizabal C, Aran B, Chuva de Sousa Lopes S.M, Geens M., Heindryckx B, Panula S, Popovic M, Vassena R, Veiga A. Two decades of embryonic stem cells: a historical overview. Hum Reprod Open.2019;(1):hoy024.
Kuebler B, Aran B, Miquel-Serra L, Muñoz Y, Ars E, Bullich G, Furlano M, Torra R, Marti M, Veiga A, Raya A . Integration-free induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a patient with autosomal recessive Alport syndrome (ARAS). Stem Cell Res. 2017; 25:1-5.
Mejía-Ramirez E, Sumarroca M, Veiga A. Possible applications of genome editing to the male germline: technical review Médecine thérapeutique / Médecine de la Reproduction, Gynécologie Endocrinologie 2017;19(4):290-7.
Current Members
Past Members
Current Members
Begoña Aran, PhD
Stem Cell Bank Coordinator
Bernd Kuebler, PhD
Responsible of the reprogramming and iPSC platform
Silvia Selvitella
Research Support Technician
Past Members
Ignasi Rodriguez-Pizà
Mª Vicenta Camarasa
Yolanda Muñoz
Rita Vassena
Alessandra Giorgetti
Cristina Eguizabal
Anna Seriola
Anna Duarri
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Anna Veiga, PhD
Group Leader, Regenerative Medicine Program of IDIBELL
Group Leader of P-CMRC
Director of the Stem Cell Bank

Dr. Veiga obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1991. Since 2005, she is Director of the Stem Cell Bank and group leader in the research group of Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC) Therapy research group at Regenerative Medicine Program P-CMR[C] at Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Associate Professor of the Facultat de Ciències Experimental i de la Salut of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)( 2002-). Director of the Probitas Foundation (2021-) . R & D+i Director of Servicio de Medicina de la Reproducción de Dexeus Mujer (2005-2021). President of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) (2011- 2013) Founder and Coordinator of the Msc Master course on Reproductive Biology and ART, Servei de Medicina de la Reproducció, Institut Universitari Dexeus and Department de Biologia Cel·lular i Fisiologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (1998-2021) Founder and President of Asociación para el Estudio de la Biología de la Reproducción (ASEBIR)(1993-2003). She has participated as coordinator and partner in the European human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry, funded by the European Commission (2007-2010, 2013-2017). She is Involved in research projects related to the clinical application of cell therapy with pluripotent stem cells and in the first approved research project in human embryo genome editing in Spain. Interested in legislation and bioethics in hPSC research. Participation as an organizer and speaker at international scientific events related to clinical embryology, reproductive genetics, pluripotent stem cell research, cell therapy and bioethics. She has published more than 300 scientific articles in national and international journals and 65 book chapters. She has 9524 citations with an H index of 52. She has received numerous awards, including Creu de Sant Jordi Generalitat de Catalunya (2004), Narcis Monturiol Medal (2005), Premi Nacional de Cultura Científica Generalitat de Catalunya (2006) and the Gold Medal of the Parlament de Catalunya in 2013. Dr Veiga is currently an editorial member of numerous international and national scientific journals. She is an honorary member of several scientific societies, including the Società Italiana Embryology Reproduzzione e Riccerca (SIERR) and ASEBIR.

REVIEWER at: Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update, Fertility and Sterility, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Zygote. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. Molecular and Cellular Reproduction.

Begoña Aran, PhD
Stem Cell Bank Coordinator

Dr. Aran obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and her PhD in the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.

She worked at the in vitro fertilization laboratory of the Institut Universitari Dexeus from 1986 to 2007. She was the Stem Cell Bank Coordinator at the CMRB between 2007 and 2010. From 2010 to 2012 she was the responsible for the Project Support Unit at the Advanced Therapies of the Catalan Transplant Organization (OCATT). Afterwards, from 2012 to 2014, she was in charge of the department of R&D+i and the Biotechnology Unit at the Mesoestetic Pharma Group in Barcelona. In March 2015, she re-joined at the CMRB as Stem Cell Bank Coordinator.

Her activity is focused on the derivation, generation, culture, characterization and banking of human Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC) and their clinical translation.

Coordinator of projects related to hPSC registration and hPSC banking. She is also interested in legislation and bioethics in hPSC research.

She has published more than 60 scientific articles in national and international journals with 1856 citations an h-index 15 and 10 book chapters. She is professor in several masters related to her areas of interest.

Bernd Kuebler, PhD
Responsible of the reprogramming and iPSC platform

Dr. Kuebler obtained his PhD 1999 in Cell Biology/Biochemistry at the Cell Biology and Biochemistry Department, University of Göttingen, Germany, working in the field of Insulin-like Growth Factors and their binding proteins. From 1999 till 2006 he worked as a postdoc at the Biochemistry Department of the Children’s Hospital, University of Hamburg, Germany, on purification, characterization and identification of IGFBP proteases. 2006 he moved to the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain, where he worked on transcriptional regulation of c-Myc bound to histone modifiers. In 2011 he moved to the CMRB where he works as a research associate on integrating and non-integrating reprogramming methods of human cells. From 2013 on he was person in charge of the Cell Culture Platform at the CMRB. 2015 he moved to the Stem Cell Bank at the CMRB. He has vast experience in cell culture, including derivation of human cells from tissues, reprogramming of human cells, culturing and expansion of embryonic stem cells and induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) and their characterization and banking. He has published more than 30 publications, with 1065 citations and an h-index 17.

Silvia Selvitella
Research Support Technician

Silvia Selvitella obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology at the Central University of Venezuela in 2016. During her studies, she works as a teacher assistant in several practical subjects like zoology, genetics and animal tissue culture. Her final Bachelor’s Degree project was focused on the cardiomyogenic differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from the human umbilical cord. Later she obtained her Master’s Degree in Biomedical Biotechnology at the Polytechnique University of Valencia in 2021, developing her final project on the therapeutic effect of the Extracellular vesicles derived from Mesenchymal stem cells. In both degrees she drives her experience into the cell culture technique and stem cell field, focusing her interest on advanced therapies research. In August 2022, she joined the Stem Cell Bank as a research support technician. She is involved in all the BLC activities including iPSC generation, culture, characterization, and banking.