Guiu Group

Cell Plasticity And Regeneration

Understanding the process of intestinal regeneration in order to develop treatments for cancer survivors

We aim to improve quality of life for cancer survivors, which suffer side effects of radiotherapy including an acute and chronic inflammation of the intestine. In order to achieve this goal, we study the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in epithelial recovery after radiation injury. Furthermore we study the establishment of the chronic radiation-induced enteritis with a particular attention to the epithelial-immune cell crosstalk.
Headshot of Jordi Guiu
Jordi Guiu
Group Leader, Regenerative Medicine Program of IDIBELL
Group Leader of P-CMRC

Lab focus: Reeducating cells to cure disease; understanding cell plasticity to boost regeneration

The primary function of the intestine is the digestion and absorption of nutrients. The small intestine is composed of proliferative crypts and differentiated villus structures. The adult intestine is lined with epithelium, which is maintained by intestinal stem cells. Radiation therapy is a common treatment used in at least 50% of cancer patients and despite its efficiency in eradicating cancer it induces intestinal toxicity. Radiation triggers apoptosis of proliferative cells, this denudes the intestinal mucosa and in turn results in an inflammatory response; the main features are initially an acute atrophy of the mucosa and at later stages fibrosis of the intestinal wall. The number of cancer survivors with post-radiation dysfunction of intestinal epithelium is continuously rising. However this condition to date has no effective treatments. Our primary goal is to understand the mechanisms triggering these processes in order to develop therapeutic. Recent studies have illustrated that committed following injury have the ability to dedifferentiate and reacquire stem cell potential thus exhibiting previously unappreciated cell plasticity. This condition facilitates a quick and effective regenerative response. The roles of immune cells in this process, which are the cells responsible for triggering the inflammation, remain poorly characterized. We believe that unraveling the mechanisms that govern the ability to transition reversibly between cellular states will impact our understanding of tissue homeostasis and empower us with new and exciting opportunities to enhance intestinal regeneration.
Using state of the art technologies and a plethora of groundbreaking approaches such as patient derived intestinal organoids, complemented by mouse models, lineage tracing, single cell transcriptomics and 3-dimensional imaging we are unraveling the mechanisms that govern the ability to transition reversibly between cellular states. Furthermore, we are characterizing at the cellular and molecular levels the process of mucosa and submucosa injury upon irradiation in order to develop treatments to boost regeneration and reeducate cells to cure fibrosis.

Why it matters

The number of cancer survivors has drastically increased due to decades of research successes. As a consequence, cohorts of patients suffering unintended side effects of cancer therapies have rapidly increased. Cancer patients treated with radiation (radiotherapy) in the abdomen develop radiation-induced enteritis and suffer from bleeding and malabsorption due to mucosa ulceration; moreover half of those patients subsequently develop chronic enteritis characterized by intestinal fibrosis that may eventually lead to intestinal perforation and death in some cases. Current treatments for these pathologies are exclusively symptomatic because there is no medical cure. Therefore, it is imperative to provide mechanistic insights into radiation-induced enteritis in order to develop therapies that directly target and eventually cure these diseases.


Regenerative medicine, Radiation induced-enteritis, radiotherapy side effects, intestine, epithelial regeneration, intestinal regeneration, intestinal stem cells, cellular plasticity, lineage tracing, organoids, transcriptomics


Moraitis I, Taelman J, Arozamena B, Mularoni L, Wienskowska O, Garriga XS, Arregui L, Stefanovic M, Modolell I, Guedea F, Diaz M, Guiu J #. Mucosal macrophages govern intestinal regeneration in response to injury. Gastroenterology. 2025. DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2025.01.252.
Quacquarelli F, Davila S, Taelman J, Guiu J, Antfolk M. Optimizing Small Intestinal Organoid-Derived Epithelial Cell Adhesion and Growth in Organ-on-a-Chip Devices. 2025. RSC Advances. DOI: 10.1039/d4ra08290g
Moraitis I, Guiu J#, Rubert J. Gut microbiota controlling radiation-induced enteritis and intestinal regeneration. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.tem.2023.05.006.
Pikkupeura L, Bressan R, Guiu J* et al. Transcriptional and epigenomic profiling identifies YAP signaling as a key regulator of intestinal epithelium maturation. Science Advances. 2023. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf9460
Hansen S, Larsen H, Pikkupeura L, Maciag G, Guiu J et al. An organoid-based CRISPR/Cas9 screen for regulators of intestinal epithelial maturation and cell fate. Science Advances. 2023. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg4055
Taelman, J.; Diaz, M.; Guiu, J#. Human Intestinal Organoids: Promise and Challenge. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2022.854740.
Maimets M, Pedersen MT, Guiu J, Dreier J, Thodberg M, Antoku Y, et al. Mesenchymal-epithelial crosstalk shapes intestinal regionalisation via Wnt and Shh signalling. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):715.
Guiu J#, Jensen KB#. In Vivo Studies Should Take Priority When Defining Mechanisms of Intestinal Crypt Morphogenesis. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;13(1):1-3.
Ulyanchenko S, Guiu J#. A Quantitative Lineage-Tracing Approach to Understand Morphogenesis in Gut. Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2258:29-40.
Guiu J*, Hannezo E*, Yui S, Demharter S, Ulyanchenko S, Maimets M, et al. Tracing the origin of adult intestinal stem cells. Nature. 2019;570(7759):107-11.
Yui S, Azzolin L, Maimets M, Pedersen MT, Fordham RP, Hansen SL, et al. YAP/TAZ-Dependent Reprogramming of Colonic Epithelium Links ECM Remodeling to Tissue Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell. 2018;22(1):35-49 e7.
Perea D, Guiu J, Hudry B, Konstantinidou C, Milona A, Hadjieconomou D, et al. Ret receptor tyrosine kinase sustains proliferation and tissue maturation in intestinal epithelia. EMBO J. 2017;36(20):3029-45.
Lopez-Arribillaga E, Rodilla V, Pellegrinet L, Guiu J, Iglesias M, Roman AC, et al. Bmi1 regulates murine intestinal stem cell proliferation and self-renewal downstream of Notch. Development. 2015;142(1):41-50.
Jang IH, Lu YF, Zhao L, Wenzel PL, Kume T, Datta SM, et al. Notch1 acts via Foxc2 to promote definitive hematopoiesis via effects on hemogenic endothelium. Blood. 2015;125(9):1418-26.
Guiu J*, Jensen KB. From Definitive Endoderm to Gut-a Process of Growth and Maturation. Stem Cells Dev. 2015;24(17):1972-83.
Gama-Norton L, Ferrando E, Ruiz-Herguido C, Liu Z, Guiu J, Islam AB, et al. Notch signal strength controls cell fate in the haemogenic endothelium. Nat Commun. 2015;6:8510.
Guiu J*, Bergen DJ, De Pater E, Islam AB, Ayllon V, Gama-Norton L, et al. Identification of Cdca7 as a novel Notch transcriptional target involved in hematopoietic stem cell emergence. J Exp Med. 2014;211(12):2411-23.
Guiu J*, Shimizu R, D’Altri T, Fraser ST, Hatakeyama J, Bresnick EH, et al. Hes repressors are essential regulators of hematopoietic stem cell development downstream of Notch signaling. J Exp Med. 2013;210(1):71-84.
Bigas A, Guiu J, Gama-Norton L. Notch and Wnt signaling in the emergence of hematopoietic stem cells. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2013;51(4):264-70.
Ruiz-Herguido C, Guiu J, D’Altri T, Ingles-Esteve J, Dzierzak E, Espinosa L, et al. Hematopoietic stem cell development requires transient Wnt/beta-catenin activity. J Exp Med. 2012;209(8):1457-68.
Espinosa L, Cathelin S, D’Altri T, Trimarchi T, Statnikov A, Guiu J, et al. The Notch/Hes1 pathway sustains NF-kappaB activation through CYLD repression in T cell leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2010;18(3):268-81.
Robert-Moreno A*, Guiu J*, Ruiz-Herguido C, Lopez ME, Ingles-Esteve J, Riera L, et al. Impaired embryonic haematopoiesis yet normal arterial development in the absence of the Notch ligand Jagged1. EMBO J. 2008;27(13):1886-95.
Current Members
Current Members
Headshot of Mònica Díaz Ferrer
Mònica Díaz Ferrer
Research Assistant
Headshot of Ilias Moraitis
Ilias Moraitis
Lab Member
Headshot of Jasin Taelman
Jasin Taelman
Postdoctoral Researcher
Headshot of Borja Arozamena Villarrubia
Borja Arozamena Villarrubia
PhD student
Headshot of Olga Wienskowska
Olga Wienskowska
Research Technician
Headshot of Yansheng Zhai
Yansheng Zhai
PhD student
Headshot of Priscila Calle
Priscila Calle
Post Doc
Headshot of Arnau Suarez
Arnau Suárez
Master student
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Jordi Guiu
Group Leader, Regenerative Medicine Program of IDIBELL
Group Leader of P-CMRC

Dr Jordi Guiu studied BS in Biology (2006), Biochemistry (2007) and a Master of Science in Molecular Biotechnology (2008). Then he did a PhD in Biomedicine (2012) from Pompeu Fabra University to study the genetic circuitry that controls the establishment of hematopoietic stem cells. Subsequently he joined Dr. Kim B. Jensen lab (Copenhagen University) as a postdoc, were he obtained a Marie Curie fellowship (2014-2019). His postdoctoral work focused on the specification of intestinal stem cells during development using fate mapping technologies, state of the art imaging, biophysical modeling and a plethora of sequencing techniques. In 2019 Dr. Guiu was appointed Assistant Professor in Copenhagen University. In September 2019, he joined the P-CMRC/IDIBELL as independent group leader.

Dr Guiu pursue a research program aimed at improving quality of life for cancer survivors, which suffer side effects of radiotherapy including acute and chronic inflammation of the intestine known as radiation-induced enteritis.

Mònica Díaz Ferrer
Research Assistant

Mònica Díaz holds a bachelor degree in Biochemistry and a PhD in Physiology from the University of Barcelona. During the PhD she studied the role of insulin regulating the glucose transport in skeletal muscle under the supervision of Dr Josep Planas. After finishing her PhD she stayed at the same laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher and assistant professor for one year.

In 2008, she did a short stay as postdoctoral researcher in CIBBIM-Nanomedicine at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, in the laboratory of Dr Julián Cerón that was focused on the modeling of human diseases in C. elegans.

Then she moved to Omnia Molecular, a biotech company devoted to the design and development of new anti-infectives targeted at difficult-to-treat infections, as a project manager. She was involved in the setup and development of a proprietary technology platform. Among her tasks, she was in charge of the cell-based assays, in particular their design and miniaturization to be incorporated into a high-throughput screening campaign.

In 2013, she joined the CMR[B] as a research assistant. Here, she has been involved in several projects aimed to model in vitro different diseases through the generation of patient-derived pluripotent stem cells.

Since September 2020, she works as a research assistant in the Cell plasticity and Regeneration group at P-CMR[C].

Ilias Moraitis
Lab Member, Guiu Group

Ilias obtained his Integrated Master’s degree (2019) in Biological Applications & Technology from the University of Ioannina, Greece. His master thesis was focused on the investigation of the influence of ETS2 repressor factor (ERF) on maturation and differentiation of thymocytes using mice as an animal model under the direction of Dr. George Thyphronitis.

After finishing his master’s degree, he spent six months as an ERASMUS internship fellow working in the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences at the laboratory of Human Natural Killer Cell Biology of University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona under the supervision of Dr. Miguel López-Botet and Dr. Elisenda Alari. His research was focused on the Characterization of a novel facet of the antibody-dependent NK cell response to Epstein-Barr virus.

Currently, Ilias is working on his Ph.D. project focused on understanding the process of intestinal regeneration in order to develop treatments for cancer survivors using mice as an animal model, under the direction of Dr. Jordi Guiu at the Regenerative Medicine Program of IDIBELL.

Jasin Taelman
Postdoctoral Researcher

I obtained my Master’s in Biochemistry at Ghent University, Belgium, where I completed my master thesis on Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during the development of melanoma skin cancer. This experience developed my interest in stem cell maintenance and differentiation. I started my PhD on the transcriptomic analysis of human embryonic stem cell derivation, pluripotency maintenance and differentiation, with a focus on Wnt signaling at the University Hospital in Ghent. Stem cell research introduced me to germ cell precursor stem cells and I continued my research as a postdoctoral researcher at the Leiden University Medical Center, in the department of Anatomy and Embryology in Leiden, the Netherlands. There I worked on in vitro differentiation of stem cells towards germ cells and in vitro maturation of human gonad tissues. Throughout my PhD and postdoc I applied single cell RNA sequencing techniques, using both SMART-Seq and 10X Genomics approaches, to analyze gene expression differences between different cell populations, in the coding environment R. Currently, I am interested in applying single cell transcriptomic analysis on intestinal organoids in different treatment conditions, in the context of enteritis after irradiation treatment for cancer. For this I will work with Dr. Guiu in the Cell Plasticity and Regeneration group at Idibell, where we aim to elucidate dedifferentiation mechanisms and signaling pathways of adult human intestinal cell types transitioning towards a stem cell state, in order to better regulate regeneration of intestinal tissues.

Borja Arozamena Villarrubia
PhD student

Borja Arozamena obtained his BSc in Biotechnology at the University of Oviedo (2020). His Bachelor thesis was focused on the investigation of photodynamic therapy as a different approach against breast cancer, under the supervision of Dr. María Luisa Fernández. After, he enrolled in a MSc in Biomedical Research at Pompeu Fabra University (2021). During his master thesis, he had the opportunity to be part of the Cell Plasticity and Regeneration group led by Dr. Jordi Guiu. For his research, he worked with intestinal organoids and co-cultures with macrophages to study their role in intestinal regeneration in order to develop therapies for cancer survivors.

Throughout his master thesis, his interest in medicine regenerative and his concerns about understanding the process of intestinal regeneration have only gone to more. Therefore, he joined the Cell Plasticity and Regeneration group as a PhD student.

Olga Wienskowska
Research Technician

Olga Wienskowska obtained her BSc and Master in Biotechnology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland. Her Master thesis consisted of discovering the role of mismatch repair proteins in meiotic recombination while working on Arabidopsis thaliana plants.

In order to expand her knowledge, she started a Master in Nanotechnology at Autonomous University in Barcelona. The Master thesis she completed, was conducted in Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology synthetizing fluorescent polymer nanoparticles, which were studied for biocompatibility in HeLa cells later on.

Currently, Olga joined the Cell plasticity and Regeneration group led by Dr. Jordi Guiu at IDIBELL in the position of research technician.

Yansheng Zhai
PhD student

Yansheng Zhai Joined IDIBELL – SZBL PhD Exchange Program (March/2023), and his supervisors are Jordi Guiu (IDIBELL) and Gang Li (SZBL). His Master thesis was about exploring the effects of short-chain fatty acids on epigenetic modifications in the liver of type 2 diabetic mice, and another one was about investigating the molecular mechanisms of exogenous pyruvates repress histone gene expression. After graduation, he joined Gang Li’s subject group as Research Assistant focusing on Chemoproteomics (2020). They reported a photoactivation-dependent proximity labeling (PDPL) method to profile protein-protein Interaction and mapping of organelle-specific proteomes (2022).

He got the opportunity to join Jordi Guiu’s lab, and his work focus on Elucidating the secretome and exosome of liver and intestinal organoids to understand the liver-gut axis.

Headshot of Priscila Calle
Priscila Calle
Post Doc
Priscila Calle earned her Medical Degree from the University of Cuenca in Ecuador. She then pursued a Master’s in Biomedicine and a PhD in Medicine and Translational Research at the University of Barcelona in Spain.
During her master’s thesis at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC) under the mentorship of Dr. Georgina Hotter, she studied the role of anti-inflammatory macrophages in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, laying the foundation for her interest in macrophage plasticity and its implications in tissue regeneration. For her doctoral research, she continued her work at the same laboratory, delving into the potential of macrophage-based cell therapy with enhanced phagocytic function to ameliorate the fibroinflammatory microenvironment in a preclinical model of kidney fibrosis.
Currently, Priscila has joined IDIBELL as a postdoctoral researcher in the Cell Plasticity and Regeneration group led by Dr. Jordi Guiu. Here, she will further specialize in the intricate interplay of macrophages in tissue regeneration, focusing particularly on elucidating their role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis during aging. By unraveling the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying epithelial-macrophage crosstalk in intestinal tissue repair and renewal, the group aims to uncover novel therapeutic targets to enhance intestinal regeneration and improve the quality of life for elderly populations.
Headshot of Arnau Suarez
Arnau Suarez
Master Student

Arnau Suárez obtained his BSc in Biotechnology at the University of Girona (2024). As part of his final degree thesis he joined TechnoSperm, a research group focused on biotechnology applied to animal and human reproduction, to study the role of chloride channels in mammalian spermatozoa under the supervision of Dr. Elisabeth Pinart. After that, in October 2024 he enrolled in a MSc in Biomedicine at the University of Barcelona.

In February 2025, Arnau joined P-CMR[C] in Dr. Jordi Guiu´s group to conduct his master thesis studying the effects of Gut Microbial Metabolites (GMM) in intestinal regeneration in response to radiation injury.