The P-CMR[C] organize an open session to present the results of the EoI Call for Collaborative Projects

November 17, 2020

The final aim of the P-CMR[C] is to advance the implementation of regenerative medicine strategies to address the current bottlenecks that prevent the clinical translation of pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-based therapies. To achieve this, it is necessary to promote transversal, multidisciplinary, and collaborative research. For this reason, last year, the P-CMR[C] opened a call of Expression of Interest (EoI) for collaborative projects in regenerative medicine who wish to align their efforts in order to develop new strategies to overcome these challenges.

In November of 2019, an Advisory Body consisting of representatives of the Catalan Healthcare Research Centers certified by the Instituto de Salut Carlos III (Catalan IIS Centers), representatives of the Health Department from the Generalitat de Catalunya, and representatives of the P-CMR[C], chose eight projects to be funded, with at least three collaborative partners each. These projects received 10.000 euros to identify a clinically relevant paradigm and propose a research project to address the outstanding bottlenecks that preclude their clinical implementation.

Today, all the projects have already concluded their work and, as a closing ceremony, we are organizing a scientific session with all the awarded projects, where all participant groups will present the research performed and the collaborations born thanks to these projects. The event will be held online through the Teams platform on November 17th and will be opened to everyone interested.

We will have the participation of P-CMR[C] and IDIBELL directors, Dr. Angel Raya and Dr. Gabriel Capellá, and the General Director for Research and Innovation in Health of Generalitat de Catalunya, Dr. Robert Fabregat.

You can find the program in this link and join us following the instructions that you will find here.

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